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What others are saying about MyBowlingDiary
This is what current users are saying about MyBowlingDiary:
"MyBowlingDiary is really helping my game. I recently shot a 739 series which is the highest I have ever bowled!" - James B., MD
At MyBowlingDiary, we are always interested in what our customers think of our product. If you have specific feedback (good or bad) please let us know. This can range anywhere from the product itself to our support and response to your needs. We will use this information to improve our products and services as well as (with your permission) sharing these comments with others that are considering a purchase of MyBowlingDiary.
All you need to do is send an email to with your feedback. In the body of the message, please let us know if we have your permission to post your comments (or parts of your comments) on our website. Any comments posted will include only your first name, last initial and state (e.g. Tim S., NH). All feedback comments, regardless of content will be reviewed and you will get a response. We appreciate your taking a few moments to giving us your feedback.
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Copyright © 2004 by Timothy A. Sawyer
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